Superannuation is a long-term investment, and your pension is what you will rely on for your entire retired life.
It is crucial to get this investment right. Through our award winning research house, we have access to technical strategies to help you make the most from your superannuation and pension.
Superannuation provides special tax concessions and a maximum tax rate of only 15% (for complying funds), which offer versatile investment opportunities not always available to you. With this in mind we will develop a solution that helps you grow your superannuation capital and maximise your investment for the future.
We provide you with access to a number of leading investment specialists, selecting from the best fund managers around the globe. You can be sure all investment decisions are driven by your needs.
To generate competitive investment returns, build your wealth and take advantage of the tax incentives provided by the superannuation environment, our financial advisers can help you make the most of your superannuation savings.
By regularly reviewing your financial plan and superannuation and pension portfolios, you will see exactly how your investments are performing, and we make sure you always benefit from the most up-to-date thinking and market innovations.
The average life expectancy is increasing.
For men - it is expected to rise from 79 today to 86 by 2047 ¹.
For women life expectancy is 83 today and forecast to be 90 by 2047 ¹"
¹ sourced from MLC Limited